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Pope Francis (1940 – present day)

Dignity, Stewardship and Vocation

“Dear young people, do not bury your talents, the gifts that God has given you!

Do not be afraid to dream of great things.”

There is a clear theme with our house devoted to the current Pope, and that is one of firsts.  He is the first and only house to be named after a person not a saint although we, like many, believe he is the perfect example of a phrase he has used with young people - a living saint.  He is the only house ‘saint’ still living.  He is the first ever Pope to be named Francis, the first Jesuit Pope, the first Latin American Pope, and the first Pope to stretch out the hand of love to so many in the Catholic Church who have felt marginalised.


When Jorge Mario Bergolio was elected Pope in 2013 very little was known of the shy looking man who stepped out on the balcony.  Yet, in the years of his papacy he has taken the world to task on the climate crisis, devoted synods to connecting with young people, connecting with the marginalised and giving everyone a voice in the Church.

We very quickly came to learn that Pope Francis was a big football fan, supporting San Lorenzo in his home country of Argentina.  As a priest then Archbishop back in Argentina he was known as a true shepherd who cared deeply for the people of his parishes and subsequent archdiocese. 

We love being a part of Francis house, named after the most socially aware and caring Pope.  He has made so many people of all ages feel welcome in the Church and never stops smiling!

- Olivia, Year 10

His humble demeanour and infectious smile have bridged the gap between the magisterium and laity, with so many incredible stories of his kind nature and personal attention.  In the immediate aftermath of his election, we heard of his insistence on paying the nuns for his accommodation, phoning home to a newspaper kiosk in Buenos Aires to cancel his deliveries and subsequent insistence on permanently residing in the papal guest house rather than moving into the papal apartments. A couple of years into his papacy there was the touching story of Pope Francis bringing the Swiss Guard, who had spent all night on duty, a chair and then apparently offering to make him a jam sandwich!  


Phone calls have been a constant theme of his papacy, with so many people coming forward to share their shock at sending the Holy Father a letter and receiving a phone call back to listen to their concerns. 


The published encyclicals and apostolic exhortations of the Holy Father shine a light on the things that matter deeply to him.  He has never stopped focusing on the poor, refugees and environment - calling on us to place these at the centre of what it means to be a follower of Christ. 

Our values associated with Francis house are dignity, stewardship and vocation and we continue to look to Pope Francis’ leadership as a true reflection of how our young people can put these at the centre of their school journey and beyond.