Governors Roles & Responsibilities

The Governing Body consists of sixteen members. The full Governing Body meets usually 4 or 5 times a year, with additional sub-committees meeting less frequently. The committee structure deals with specific issues relating to finance and premises, Christian vision, curriculum and achievement, staffing, strategy and the sixth form.

The Governing Body is formed under an Instrument of Government which took effect from 23/06/2015.

Attendance records are updated at the start of Term 4 and at the end of Term 6.

Foundation Governors (9) appointed by the Diocese of Clifton

3 x vacancies

John Eddison

Term of Office: 01/09/21 – 31/08/25

Committee Membership: Finance & Premises, Strategic

Responsibilities: Chair of Governing Body (since April 2019), Chair of Strategic Committee

Declarations of Interest: None

Attendance: 100%

John Eddison

I have been a Governor since 2001, currently as a Foundation Governor, and previously as a Parent Governor when my children were at St Gregory’s. I am Chair of the Finance & Premises Committee.  I live in Bath and am a retired civil servant.  Being a Governor gives me an opportunity to contribute to the development of St Gregory’s as an outstanding school and especially to the creation of a Christian sixth form in Bath, as the next stage in our journey.

Patrick Gloyens

Term of Office: 31/07/24 – 01/08/28

Committee Membership: Christian Vision and Staffing

Responsibilities: Careers

Declarations of Interest: None

Attendance: 71%

Governor 2

To follow

Clare Murray-Hemson

Term of Office: 01/03/23 – 28/02/27

Committee Membership: Curriculum & Achievement, Christian Vision

Responsibilities: Data Governor, English & Reading, Literacy, Gifted & Talented Students

Declarations of Interest: TBC

Attendance: 40%

Clare Murray Hemson

Clare is a mother of three children and has been a parent at St Gregory’s since her eldest daughter started in September 2008.

A foundation governor and parishioner of St Mary’s Bath, Clare is a catechist and leads on confirmation preparation with her husband Matthew and is a keen advocate of child-centered education.

An experienced Headteacher and governor, Clare now works for the Diocese of Salisbury Academy Trust as Regional Director of Education and has a wide range of experience in school leadership, governance, safeguarding, curriculum and SEND.

Lillith Osborn

Term of Office: 8/11/24 to 7/11/28

Committee Membership: Christian Vision and Staffing

Responsibilities: None

Declarations of Interest: None

Attendance: 100%

Governor 1

I am a retired Headteacher, I spent thirty years on the chalkface, first as a Religious Studies teacher, then as an Advisory Teacher for Ethnic Minority Achievement, working with the Gypsy and Traveller Communities, I moved into SEND, working mainly with learners with Autism. I now work as an Independent Mental Capacity Advocate for Swan Advocacy.

I am currently undertaking the Catholic Certificate in Religious Studies (CCRS) to help facilitate my role as a Govenor.

Nicole Pecchia

Term of Office: 08/12/24 - 07/12/2028

Committee Membership: Christian Vision, Curriculum & Achievement

Responsibilities: Chair of the Christian Vision Committee, Careers Governor, RE Governor, Pupil Premium

Declarations of Interest: None

Attendance: 71%

Nicole Pecchia

I was elected as a Parent Governor in 2016 when my daughter started at St Gregory’s. I am currently Chair of the Christian Vision Committee and also serve on the Curriculum and Achievement Committee. I also support the school with our young people’s futures as the Careers Governor.

Since 1997, I have taught at St Mary’s Catholic Primary School, a feeder Primary and more recently part of the Camino Partnership. I am a member of St Mary’s church and having assisted as a First Holy Communion catechist for a couple of years, I now run the programme at school.

The Catholic ethos is very important to the school and I aspire to support the school to uphold their mission statement for our children.

Louise Walker

Term of Office: 13/12/21 – 12/12/25

Committee Membership: Christian Vision, Staffing, Admissions

Responsibilities: Chair of Admissions Committee, Safeguarding

Declarations of Interest: None

Attendance: 100%

Louise Walker

I was appointed as a foundation governor by Bishop Declan in January 2018. I have taught Home Economics at schools in West Sussex, Bristol and at St Gregory’s. Since having my three children I have worked as a freelance home economist for a variety of food and appliance companies. I have also written a number of cookery books.

I am currently a parishioner of St John the Evangelist, Bath and I am a strong supporter of faith education. I am on the Curriculum and Achievement committee, the Strategic Committee and the Christian Vision Committee where I have responsibility for Religious Education.

Parent Governors (2) elected by Parents and Carers

Chris Bentley-Taylor

Term of Office: 01/09/24 – 02/09/28

Committee Membership: 


Declarations of Interest: 

Attendance: 60%

Governor 2

To follow

Mark Bradley

Term of Office: 15/02/22 – 14/03/26

Committee Membership: Finance & Premises, Staffing, Strategic

Responsibilities: Co-Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of Finance & Premises, Health & Safety Governor, Maths and Science, Budget Management, Educational Visits Co-ordinator, International Governor

Declarations of Interest: Spouse business in positive horticultural therapy

Attendance: 87%

Mark Bradley

I am a parent Governor having been elected in March 18. I worship at St John’s Bath, and have 8 years’ experience governing in a Christian primary and wish to share my knowledge. I want to help the school to further develop and deliver outstanding education for our children that remains relevant in these dynamic times, but built on Christian foundations.

I have chaired a school Premises Health and Safety committee. Professionally I am a Chartered Engineer and Chartered Project Manager having led Major Programmes for the government, so am used to financial management, safety management and human resources issues. I also have experience teaching teenagers in several outdoor education settings.

Local Authority Governor (1) appointed by the Governing Body and Local Authority

Rachel Edmonds

Term of Office: 01/09/2024 - 31/08/2028

Committee Membership: Curriculum & Achievement

Responsibilities: Chair of Curriculum & Achievement Committee, Modern Foreign Languages, Governor Training, Pupil Premium, Inclusion, SEND

Declarations of Interest: None

Attendance: 100%

Rachel Edmonds

I have worked for many years as a legal researcher for Commercial law firms in Bristol. I have also taught as an A level teacher in Further Education in Bristol. I have a daughter at St Gregory’s and a son at St Patrick’s Corsham. I am fully committed to Catholic education and can see the positive aspects it brings to the children.

Co-Opted Governors (2) appointed by the Governing Body


Louise Price

Term of Office: 04/03/25 - 06/03/2029

Committee Membership: Staffing

Responsibilities: None

Declarations of Interest: None

Attendance: 60%

Governor 1

To follow.

Dr Mary Faber

Term of Office: 07/09/21 – 06/09/25

Committee Membership: Staffing, Finance & Premises, Admissions, Wellbeing

Responsibilities: Science & PE

Declarations of Interest: None

Attendance: 75%

Governor 1

To follow.

Headteacher Governor (1) appointed by Governing Body

Melissa George

Term of Office: 01/09/23 – N/A

Committee Membership: Christian Vision, Curriculum & Achievement, Finance & Premises, Joint Executive, Joint 6th Form, Staffing, Strategic

Responsibilities: None

Declarations of Interest: Foundation Governor at Our Lady and St John's RC Primary School, Brentford, Middlesex

Attendance: 100%

Melissa George 320 x 320

Staff Governor (1) elected by Staff

Matt Robinson

Term of Office: 01/12/22 – 30/11/26

Committee Membership: Christian Vision and Admissions

Responsibilities: None

Declarations of Interest: None

Attendance: 100%

Matt Robinson

Associate Members (1 x vacancy) of the Governing Body appointed by Governing Body with voting rights on the committee

John Gardener

Term of Office: 30/11/22 – 29/11/26

Committee Membership: Finance & Premises

Responsibilities: E-Safety. Premises and is ICT Governor

Declarations of Interest: None

Attendance: 83%

Governor 2

I was appointed as an Associate Governor in November 2022 and, as such, have voting rights on the Finance & Premises Committee.

James Reeder

Term of Office: 01/11/23 – 31/10/27

Committee Membership: Finance & Premises

Responsibilities: Data, E-Safety, Premises

Declarations of Interest: None

Attendance: 66%

James Reeder

I was appointed as an Associate Governor to the board in October 2023 and am a member of the Finance & Premises Committee with voting rights.

I am a qualified Actuary for a London-based risk consultancy firm and have moved back to Bath having previously attended the University here. I am passionate about the learning and development of young people in Bath to ensure that they are well prepared for the next stage of their lives.

Previous Governors who have served during the previous 12 months

Judith Starkey

Term of Office: 17/03/20 – 16/03/24

Committee Membership: Curriculum & Achievement, Staffing, Finance & Premises

Responsibilities: Co-Vice Chair of Governors, Chair of Staffing Committee, Wellbeing Governor

Declarations of Interest: None

Judith Starkey