The curriculum at St Gregory’s is designed to recognise and value the gifts and skills of all our students.

The Inclusion department is widely respected in the school, and the Governing Body, Headteacher, SENCo and all members of staff have important responsibilities and roles to play to ensure Inclusivity within our Catholic Community. The SENCo and our team of Learning Support Assistants (LSAs) have close working relationships with staff, students and parents, as well as other professionals. We seek to raise aspirations and attainment, remove barriers to learning and increase physical and curricular access for all. Every child and young person is a valued, respected and an equal member of our learning community.

We are committed to offering an inclusive curriculum to ensure the best possible progress for all students, whatever their needs or abilities. We value the contribution that every child and young person can make and welcome diversity arising from culture, religion, intellect or ability. Every teacher is a teacher of SEND, and are responsible for students with SEND in their classrooms. All staff attend regular professional development on SEND issues.

All staff feel confident in teaching a variety of needs and abilities and are able to scaffold work and embed strategies to support these students in their learning and socialisation. Besides creating a learning environment which is encouraging and sensitive to individual needs, we see education as more than academic performance. It is also about fostering qualities of independence, self-advocacy, positive self-esteem and respect for others.

Our SEND provision is overseen by Mrs S Ponsford, our SENCo and supported by Mrs K Stack, our SEND Manager. Together, they lead a team of committed and dedicated SEND teaching specialists and Learning Support Assistants who provide our students with outstanding care and support throughout their time with us.


Contact our SEND team


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SEND Information & Policies

SEND Policy 2023 24SEND Information Report Local Offer 2023-24