Enrichment & Personal Growth

We offer all students the chance to deepen and enrich their studies, to go above and beyond just gaining qualifications.


Support for you when you need it

We offer students personal freedom in a more adult environment, akin to what they may find at university or in the world of work, whilst maintaining a friendly, supportive framework. Tutors are in close daily contact with students and monitor their academic and personal progress.  There is a dynamic and relevant pastoral programme in place which covers topics ranging from study skills to health and mental well-being.


Space for you to grow

Strong pastoral care is essential to academic success ensuring that the A Level journey is one characterised by positivity and a growth mindset. The multifaceted pastoral system guarantees there is always someone to guide and support you. The New Sixth creates an environment that is not only professional but personal, establishing strong relationships between students and staff so that no student need ever face a challenge alone.

Chaplaincy at The New Sixth offers students an optional programme of sixth form activities and retreats to engage in a spiritual journey in a way that speaks to young people. We welcome Chaplains from a range of Christian backgrounds to work together to provide a caring, welcoming, inclusive and stimulating environment for all.


Preparing you for life beyond the classroom

Students are given the chance to personalise their education through our enrichment programme, designed to challenge individuals to extend their thinking skills and intellect so that they can engage in debate or discussion at interview and show the real potential that universities and employers seek.

The enrichment programme has time allocated each week in the sixth form timetable giving students the opportunity and space to develop those skills that have been identified as vital to achieving success in adult life. The timetabled programme includes a carousel of activities focusing on financial awareness, fitness, languages, life skills and volunteering. Some activities extend beyond the sixth form campus and into school life at St Gregory’s, allowing our students to mentor younger peers and guide them to success.