Exam Information


Who to contact for help and advice

To contact us about anything else, click here.


Key Dates for 2024

A level Results Day

Thursday 15 August 2024

GCSE Results Day

Thursday 22 August 2024


What to do on Results Day

Staff will be available to offer support for sixth form and university advice, pastoral matters, careers advice and next steps. If students are unable to collect their results we will put systems in place to allow them to be posted or collected by someone else. We will send more details about timings and a confirmation of arrangements in due course. There is a dedicated email for results day support, should it be required: resultsdaysupport@st-gregorys.org.uk.

If you would prefer to receive results in the post you should send a SAE to our Exams Officer.

On the day of results the school phone line will be open from 8.30am – 2.30pm on 01225 832873. Results cannot be given over the phone.

We will have staff on hand to support with careers advice, pastoral support, sixth form queries and any questions you may have.


Support & Advice

If you require support or guidance on receiving your results, in the first instance, please contact us. We will provide personalised support to help guide you in making decisions on the next steps in your academic career. You will have received an email from school detailing the information on how best to do this.

If you require someone outside of home or school to talk to, there are a range of services providing a confidential listening service and a shoulder to lean on. Details of these can be found below. What’s more important is that you reach out to someone: a friend, parent, carer, family member, teacher or online resource.



Young Minds

School Nursing Service


Off the Record


Further information and resources can also be found on the Your Care and Wellbeing page.



Your certificates are very important for your future; all employers, colleges and universities will ask to see these. Please collect them from the school from December following your exams. If you are unable to collect them in person, please write a letter to authorise a friend or relative to collect them on your behalf.

Replacement certificates can be ordered from the relevant Exam board. An application form will need to be completed for each Exam board and sent with a cheque to gain replacements.


Exam Boards

The school uses the following Examination Boards:







JCQ Exam Regulations & Information for Candidates