Governing Commitees

Scope of Terms of Reference, Delegated Functions and Policies 


Chair: John Eddison 

To conduct the school with a view to promoting high standards of educational achievement at the school. 

Chair:  Patrick Gloyens

Abuse Allegations, Acceptable Use ICT, Anti-Bullying, Attendance & Discipline, Behaviour, Careers Education, Child Protection, Collective Worship, Community Cohesion, Drugs Education, e-Safety, Equalities & Medical, Positive Handling, Safeguarding, Spiritual life/Chaplaincy, Whistleblowing, Children in Care.

Chair:  Rachel Edmonds

Curriculum, Exams, Home School Agreement, Literacy, Numeracy, Personal Social & Health Education, Pupil Premium, Relationship & Sex Education, SEND, Targets, Teaching & Learning. 

Chair:  Mark Bradley

Budget, Business Interests, Charging, Data Protection, Educational visits, Financial Administration, Freedom of Information, Governors’ Allowances, Health and Safety, Lettings, Music Fees, Pay, Premises, Purchasing, Safeguarding, Risk & Opportunity Management, Travel, Contingency Planning.


Abuse allegations, Appraisal, Complaints Procedure, Managing performance, Other employment policies, Pay, threshold/Leadership progression, Safeguarding, Staffing, Staff Well-being.

Chair: John Eddison

To support the Full Governing Body in setting the vision, mission, and strategic direction for St Gregory’s, ensuring there are appropriate governance arrangements in place to deliver the school’s agreed strategy.