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Careers Programme

Careers education and guidance play a vital role at St Gregory’s from Years 7 to 13, ensuring that all students make the smooth transition through the stages of school to further and higher education, training and employment.


Our objectives

In support of this overall aim, there are five strategic objectives for our careers education and guidance programme, helping students to develop:

  • Knowledge and understanding of themselves as individuals – their strengths, skills, personal qualities, interests, attainments and capabilities
  • Awareness and understanding of the world of work and of the career and learning opportunities available to them in terms of further/higher education, training and employment
  • Career planning and decision-making skills in order to manage transition from school to university/workplace
  • The skills and personal qualities necessary to gain admission onto further and higher education courses, apprenticeships and employment
  • The confidence to take more control of the decision-making processes that affect their lives.


How we measure success

Impact is measured yearly through study of the destination data compiled by the Local Authority. The key measurement is NEET, which traditionally is extremely low for schools in the area. From time to time student surveys are conducted by the team and careers education is monitored through the guidance programme.

The Careers provision is reviewed through the teacher appraisal structure and regular presentations to Governors by request.


Careers Experience Years 7-13

All students benefit from bespoke careers guidance, delivered as part of a tutor-led programme and supported by careers advisors and external specialist consultants. Students also take part in a range of full or part day workshops to enable whole-year participation in key events.


For further information, please contact, Mr Boutland-Smith, Assistant Headteacher Wider Participation


In the past, this has included:

Year 7 Equality and Diversity Day

Year 7 are challenged to question stereotypes in the workplace and consider rights of equal access and fairness in employment.

Year 8 Dragon’s Den

Year 8 engage in a competition to compete for investment in their product from a team of expert judges.

Year 9 STEM Day

Year 9 take part in a series of workshops with representatives from the world of science, technology, engineering and maths.


This list is not exhaustive and is subject to amendment to meet the ever-changing dynamics of the employment market.

In the past, this has included:


Year 10 Careers Insight Day

Year 10 meet with different representatives from a range of industries in small groups where they can discuss individual questions and enquiries.


Year 11 Mock Interviews

Year 11 don their best interview clothes for a full-on job interview experience including creating their own CVs and letter of application. Over 30 representatives from local and national industries interview over 160 students in one day.


This list is not exhaustive and is subject to amendment to meet the ever-changing dynamics of the employment market.

In the past, this has included:

Students in the sixth form benefit from an attentive and personalised sixth form careers education programme, which enables them to gain self-knowledge and an awareness of the great number of opportunities available beyond sixth form. Throughout the academic year, regular opportunities are created for open dialogue on progress and pathway choices to support our young people and their families as they take the first step towards their future adventures after sixth form including:

  • Apprenticeship Workshops
  • Oxbridge and Russell Group Preparation
  • University days with partner universities
  • UCAS Preparation
  • WEX (Work Experience) Placements
  • Unifrog Careers Platform
  • Enterprise opportunities with whole school
  • Lunchtime drop-in sessions with careers advisor
  • Stress management workshops
  • Governor mentoring and career events


This list is not exhaustive and is subject to amendment to meet the ever-changing dynamics of the employment market.

Each year, our Year 10 and Year 12 students complete a week of work experience with an employer during Enrichment Week. Students are given advice and support in school to prepare a CV and to contact employers to find a suitable placement. This helps them to learn about how to describe their skills and talents in a CV, and how to approach businesses and organisations when looking for work. ‍

In recent years we have had students heading off to work in a wide range of interesting places from schools and hospitals, to film sets and engineering firms. Work experience is part of our PSHE – Careers whole school program, a valued part of our curriculum as it gives our young people the opportunity to find out more about the world of work and teaches them valuable skills such as communication, teamwork, timekeeping and organisation.