University, Apprenticeship and Careers


Planning your next steps

Early on in your sixth form journey, you will be introduced to Unifrog, an award-winning platform for choosing university courses and apprenticeships.

Unifrog provides students with an excellent search tool and the ability to conduct sophisticated research into university and apprenticeship opportunities. It allows you to research and plan your future progression route and to build up a really useful skills profile that will enable you to produce an effective personal statement and curriculum vitae.


Making your application count

The sixth form benefits from established partnerships with a number of universities who deliver workshops for our students, supporting you on your pathway post-18. These courses are complemented by a broad and balanced extra-curricular offer, delivered by the team at St Gregory’s and external professionals. Our comprehensive programme of careers guidance and advice is designed to support you through the complexities of choosing courses at university and higher level apprenticeships. It will also provide you with more specialised advice on issues such as bursaries or financial matters.


Oxbridge and Medicine

Each year we have a number of early entrants applying for Oxbridge, together with highly competitive courses of study in medicine, veterinary science and dentistry. Bespoke programmes with tailored one-to-one and group support for applications are in place. We also work closely with professional organisations to ensure you will have the very best advice and support to maximise your success.


Work experience

In Year 12 you will undertake a week’s work experience at the end of the summer term. This is an important opportunity to allow you to step away from your studies and into the world of work for a fixed period of time. Work placements help you to increase your skills and clarify your career goals, providing you with the chance to test out your aspirations or learn more about different industries.