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Student Leadership

We very much want students to play an active part in making decisions through student voice and leadership that will enhance the life of the school community.


The Student Leadership Structure

Each September, elections take place for the following leadership roles in each tutor group; a Tutor Captain, an Environment Representative, a Sport Representative and a Charity Representative.  The students who take up these roles come from an equal distribution across the four houses and are invited to be actively involved in many parts of school life throughout the year on behalf of their peers. Some of these responsibilities may include:

Tutor Captain: To represent the tutor group’s views at meetings with their Head of Year and in Year Council meetings.  To be the first port of call for volunteers and to lead in organising their tutor group for events or activities in school life, E.g. Preparing the tutor group assembly.

Environment Rep: To be actively involved in school initiatives linked to our environmental impact.  They will attend climate conferences on behalf of the student body and take the lead on recycling, litter and other site related campaigns.

Sport Rep: To work alongside the PE team in supporting house sport events, feeder primary school sporting competitions, etc.  They are also responsible for animating their tutor groups to be involved and competitive in Sports Day and similar events. 

Charity Rep: To take the lead and encourage participation in their tutor group for all fundraising campaigns in the school year, E.g. Harvest collection, Christmas Hamper Appeal.  They will be a superb organiser and enthusiastic about helping our neighbour with their own ideas and supporting the charitable mission of the school. 


The Senate

The Senate is the school council and is made up of representatives from all year groups and each house of the school.  Four representatives are elected per year group from the tutor reps after hustings in year group assemblies. The Senate meets once a term to discuss upcoming school events, bring ideas for improvement and share with the Headteacher any concerns they feel the student body have.  The senate is given a strong and influential place in the structure of the school with their views and ideas always being presented to the senior leadership team.  In the past they have been instrumental in creating the new house system, raising concerns regarding toilet facilities and subsequent improvements, driving uniform changes particularly to cost and gender neutral items.

School Senate



The role of the prefect is very important. They are our ambassadors for the school and they play a prominent part in Open Evenings and other school events. All students in Year 11 can apply formally to their Head of Year to be considered for the prefect position and they must also have staff support.


New Sixth Prefects

Year 12 students can apply to be prefects with applications made to the Deputy Head of Sixth. Year 13 students have the opportunity to apply for senior prefect positions. All prefects play a vital role as ambassadors for the school, helping monitor prefect teams and speaking in assemblies and other formal occasions. All senior prefect applicants have to undertake a formal interview with the Headteacher and the Director of Sixth Form.

We truly believe that the student leadership structure that we have at St Gregory’s gives our students the opportunity to develop vital life skills such as communication and decision making that will equip them for later life.