This week in our school community: 24 January 2025

This week in our school community:  24 January 2025
Chaplain's Reflections - 24th January 2025

Upcoming Kintbury Retreats



Please check emails and notifications on ClassCharts for the full info letters for our Kintbury retreat programme 2024/2025.  The ‘Kintbury Experience’ as the centre like to refer to it, cannot be captured in a few sentences trying to explain what takes place on the retreat.  There is great benefit to young people going away to a place that is serene, lacking in technology and focuses wholly on students having fun, creating connections and enjoying being somewhere new and with others.  There are numerous outdoor adventure sites in the UK but they cannot match the positivity, lasting impression and energy that the whole ‘Kintbury Experience’ gives to young people.   I’ve taken thousands of teenagers along to St Cassian’s, Kintbury over my sixteen years working in education, visited the retreat centre almost one hundred times and never get tired of the atmosphere and magic that the place harnesses. 



Matt Robinson

Mr Robinson

Lay Chaplain