"In Christian Unity week the school has celebrated the different Christian denominations which make up our staff and student body "
In Christian Unity week the school has celebrated the different Christian denominations which make up our staff and student body, with the key theme of coming together in unity and respecting any differences. Mr Jaggon's collective worship assembly asked students to ponder the concepts of faith and belief and it was good to see plenty of young people engaging so actively in the questions posed.
This week, Year 10 and 11 students enjoyed talks from Bath College on Future Pathways in our commitment to provide excellent advice on a wide range of careers and opportunities. All year groups engaged with special stress and wellbeing assemblies on Wednesday, which was a direct response to the student survey feedback from earlier this academic year. Year 8 really stood out as shining examples during this important session on looking after wellbeing, so well done Year 8! Thank you to Mr Boutland-Smith and Miss Hollywood respectively for organising.
As we go into the weekend, I will end with a prayer from Churches Together resources:
We bless you, O Lord, Father of lights:
from you descends every good thing and every perfect gift.
You have made the world and all that it contains, you are the Lord of heaven and earth.
You created all the peoples that dwell on the earth.
For them you established the order of time and the boundaries of their space.
In the heart of human beings, you have placed the depth of eternity.
Rebirth in us that unity that our selfishness has fractured in your Church and in the one world around us.
God of all consolation, call us to follow you and make firm for us the work of our hands.
We praise you through Jesus Christ, your only-begotten Son, in the communion of the Holy Spirit.