This week in our school community: 20 December 2024

This week in our school community:  20 December 2024
Headteacher's Reflections - 20th December 2024

"Congratulations to all students who have been highlighted in our 'Name and Praise' celebration assemblies  "  

As we close the term, I want to congratulate all students this week who have been highlighted in our special end of term 'Name and Praise' celebration assemblies.  Students have been rewarded for their efforts in improving their literacy, for having 100% attendance, for taking part in House competitions, for individual effort and achievement in specific subject areas and for demonstrating the principles of respect, responsibility, aspiration and virtue on a daily basis around school and in their tutor time.  

It has been a busy term with many wonderful trips, events, charity fundraising and workshops, as well as our school production of Oliver! and Advent services, and I wish to thank all staff involved in providing such memorable experiences for our young people and for helping to create such a thriving community spirit at St Gregory's where in Christ we flourish.  The Carol Service at St John's on Tuesday was the perfect way to prepare for Christmas with beautiful readings, contemporary songs and classic carols to remind us of the Christmas story.  We were joined by St John's Primary choir and they performed so well on the night.  Congratulations to Ms John for conducting her first St Gregory's Carol Service, to Mr Robinson for all of our beautiful Advent celebrations and to all who contributed towards making the end of term so special.

We wish our Year 13 cohort the best of luck for their mock exams which will take place in mid-January and I know they will be busy revising and preparing for success over the holiday period.  In other academic news, please take time to read through your child's report if you haven't already done so, to celebrate their effort and progress since September. 

Lastly, I wish to thank the Senior Leadership Team, teaching and support staff, Chaplain, governors, parents, carers and extended families for your ongoing support to ensure each of our young people receives an outstanding education for the whole person - academically, personally and spiritually.  May you be filled with the wonder of Mary, the strength of Joseph, the joy of the angels, the eagerness of the shepherds, the determination of the magi, and the peace of the Christ child.  May you enjoy a blessed, joyful and peaceful Christmas and good tidings for 2025! 


Melissa George


Mrs Melissa George (BA Hons, MA, PGCE) 