This week in our school community: 20 September 2024

This week in our school community:  20 September 2024
Headteacher's Reflections - 20th September 2024

What would a world of peace look like? This is a big question and one we have been exploring across all age groups at school this week.

Collective worship focussed on how we can find peace in God and through God; this is good for our spiritual development. Spending a few minutes each day in mindful prayer, meditation or off our screens and devices does wonders for our mental health. Mr Duffy spoke to our sixth form students about being without his phone for five days: the feelings of mild panic and fear of missing important information soon subsided and turned into an improved sense of wellbeing.  However we manage it, finding moments of stillness and silence are good for the spirit and soul.

Pope Francis talks about a culture of care and needing peace on a global level and that is especially true when we consider the conflicts and violence in parts of our planet.  At St Gregory's we too talk about our culture of care and we have set the mission for each and every one of our students to be agents of peace and peacemakers.  This is especially important during social times, for example at break and lunchtime.  It takes a joined up effort and everyone needs to play their part to strive towards having a community built on peace.

On a sunny morning this week I enjoyed seeing our students enter school looking so incredibly smart, especially our older students, who are being such good role models for our younger ones.  Most students remain wearing their uniform with pride during the day but some become more dishevelled as the day goes on so it is important to retain high standards.  A reminder that as the colder weather creeps in, coats are allowed to be worn to school but hoodies are not.

In other news, we were delighted to welcome Mrs McLaughlin from the Diocese of Clifton to school on Tuesday for a monitoring visit.  Mrs McLaughlin was part of the Section 48 inspection team when we were last inspected in 2019 so it was wonderful for her to see St Greg's again and all the improvements we have made in Catholic life and mission, Religious Education and Collective Worship and Prayer.  She commented on our school being a happy, welcoming and caring community where students recognise the incredibly positive relationships with staff and have a deep sense of belonging.  She gave us some good pointers to continue making progress ahead of the next Section 48 inspection.

Some of our Year 12 students got a taste of life and one of the world's best universities this week - The University of Cambridge.  A group of visiting academics from Harvard University commented on their incredible conduct - they are a true credit to our school.  Year 12 spent a sunny afternoon using the gym and sporting facilities at Culverhay as part of our Enrichment Offering - thanks to Mr Burn and Mr Brodie for organising this opportunity for our young adults to stay fit, healthy and have fun.

Finally, it was lovely to meet parents and carers this week at two PTFA events - our first PTFA board meeting of the year and our Coffee and Cake morning.  Please do consider attending these events if you can - it is a great way to meet other families, share ideas and build important partnerships with the school.  Please see the PTFA Facebook page for further details of forthcoming events.

As we head into the weekend, this prayer of St Francis of Assisi speaks to me this week and I hope it speaks to you too:

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; where there is sadness, joy. O divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console, to be understood as to understand, to be loved as to love. For it is in giving that we receive, it is in pardoning that we are pardoned.


Melissa George
Mrs Melissa George (BA Hons, MA, PGCE) 