This week in our community: 28 June

This week in our community: 28 June
Headteacher's Reflections - 28th June 2024

What is the purpose of school? Is it gaining enough knowledge and understanding to pass a set of exams? One could argue that this is the purpose of education: to provide young people with grades that will open up the next set of possibilities, whether that is further education, apprenticeships or the world of work.

Others may argue that the 'hidden curriculum' is actually far more important: these are the skills one develops by working in a team, collaborating on ideas and projects, stepping out of your comfort zone, developing empathy, compassion and tolerance towards others and ultimately growing in respect for oneself and the world around us.

This week, the St Gregory's community did us proud when we welcomed Rt Rev. Bishop Bosco MacDonald to tour our school and bless our rain garden. Year 9 and members of the Senate were part of the congregation during the blessing and behaved impeccably as the sun beat down on us and the Bishop blessed the gorgeous flowers and plants the Year 9s planted last year as part of their Sustainability Day. We were delighted to be joined by Mary Cox, Education Director from the Diocese of Clifton, governors, Fr Bill and other esteemed guests and friends of St Greg's who commented on the warmth and wonderful atmosphere of academic learning they witnessed on their tour of the school. Our choir sang a beautifully uplifting number and some our Year 10 Prefects led the readings in the short liturgy service. A huge thanks to all the staff and students involved in welcoming the Bishop to our family and for showing him your best and truest selves.

On Thursday Mr Robinson and I represented the school at the Diocese of Clifton Education Mass, a special service of thanksgiving to all who work and lead our wonderful Catholic schools. Josie H and Lucy B read beautifully and it was a joy to join with other primary and secondary schools in thanking those who drive forward our mission.

We sent Year 11 and Year 13 off in style this week; we gathered at Bath Racecourse for the long-awaited Year 11 Prom and The Abbey Hotel for our elegant Year 13 bash. They were joyous occasions and we are so proud of the young men and women who are now ready to take the next step in their journey. The Year 11 Levelling Up Days this week were well-attended and gave our current Year 11 students, as well as external Year 11 students, a good insight into what life is like as a New Sixth student. They were warmly welcomed by the sixth form team and experienced taster sessions in subjects, as well as letting off some steam on the climbing wall and enjoying an ice cream to round off the days.

The Gospel choir trip this week was a success, as was the last meeting of the Bath Student Parliament, which we hosted. The BSP students are busy planning how they can action some of their ideas around reducing knife crime and making our streets safer - we can't wait to see what they come up with. We loved hosting St John's Primary School Sports Day this week and the Year 9 student leaders excelled themselves in their conduct and care for the younger pupils. Thank you to the PE staff who helped with the smooth-running of the event - another great success.

As we celebrate the Feast of Ss Peter and Paul this weekend, I will leave you with this prayer:

Saints Peter and Paul, once Christ called you, you responded with total abandonment to His holy will. Through you, the Church was founded and began to grow. Please pray for me, that I will fully devote myself to the ongoing mission of the Church, so that God can use me according to His holy will. Saints Peter and Paul, pray for me.


Melissa George
Mrs Melissa George (BA Hons, MA, PGCE) 