D of E Silver Expedition

D of E Silver Expedition
Trips and Visits - 17th June 2024

Last weekend 30 Year 10 students took part in their Silver qualifying expedition. They left school and headed on foot with loaded packs to Chelwood. The weather was sunny, but luckily not too warm as their packs were heavy as they contained their tents, food and kit for three days. Their map reading skills had improved. The six groups worked well together and they all arrived on time at Chelwood Scout campsite. They pitched their tents and cooked evening meals, generally consisting of pasta! They all had a challenging route on their second day and rose to this challenge and completed their day’s journey back into camp by late afternoon. Their final day took them to the finish at Chew Valley Lake.

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Throughout the three days the students were polite, friendly and kind to each other. One of the instructors emailed after the expedition and said “you have great students, and that makes our job easier, thank you.”

The students’ expedition reports will be uploaded in the next few weeks. So please encourage your child to complete the other three sections so that they can be part of the first group to be presented with their certificates at the end of next term. Well done!


Mrs Stack & Mr Boutland-Smith