This week in our school community: 14 June

This week in our school community: 14 June
Headteacher's Reflections - 14th June 2024

Last week some of our Year 9 students travelled to France and Belgium to visit the sites of the battlefields to deepen their understanding on the impact of World War One. Mrs Sarbatta has written a full account of the trip and I want to thank the History department for providing our students with this opportunity, which I am sure they will never forget.

As exam season comes to an end for most of our Year 11 students, we have offered them a little treat to say a big well done for their incredible effort and resilience over the past few months. We had an ice cream van from Palate and Pasture, Frome, serving delicious ices to our students and our staff on this rainy Friday afternoon! We also held a tea party today for our incredible invigilator team to thank them for the many hours spent invigilating and looking after our Year 11 and Year 13 students with great care during this exam season. It was also thrown to welcome our new Exams and Admissions Officer, Miss Handley, into the St Gregory's family.

We have a busy week next week with our Sports Day finals and our annual Prize-giving evening plus numerous trips and internal events. Please do look at the calendar on our new website to find out what is happening when. It is that time of year again when we choose our new student Prefect team. I am going to leave you with excerpts from just two of the many wonderful Year 10 Prefect application letters which so clearly convey all we do to help our students grow academically, personally and spiritually. It is amazing to read how much St Gregory's has shaped our young people and what they think they can give back to the community.

Harriet writes: "By having this role I hope I can have the opportunity to give back to the school. One of my favourite bible verses tells us to not let anyone think less of us because we are young, to be an example to all believers in what we say, in the way we live and in our love. I think this is so powerful as it is a reminder that even if you are young you can make a difference, and if I am able to help just one person through this role, I would be delighted."

Seb writes: "I think nature is vitally important and helps us feel close to God. It gives us time to think of the beauty of the world He created for us and reminds us that if we take care of ourselves and each other, feed and water ourselves, we will also bloom and grow, even if sometimes the weather is cold and windy. In this role I would like to create some more spaces around the school for pupils to switch off from their busy lives and reflect and feel closer to God...I have grown so much at St Gregory’s because so many people have cared and looked after me, and I would like to have the opportunity to give something back and be a role model for the children who are both younger and older than me. I can show that we are all individuals who bring value to our communities. I would like to inspire everyone to look after the environment and each other at St Gregory’s, to see the value in nature and be proud of their school."

These are just two examples from the many outstanding applications I have received. Good luck to all Year 10 students who have applied for these prestigious Prefect roles - interviews will take place next week and we will announce who has been successful as soon as possible. Enjoy your weekend and I look forward to seeing many of you at our Prize-giving event next week.



Melissa George
Mrs Melissa George (BA Hons, MA, PGCE) 