This week in our school community: 07 June

This week in our school community: 07 June
Headteacher's Reflections - 7th June 2024

In a week of sunshine and showers we have been reminded by E tutor groups of the importance of caring for creation. Student-led assemblies this week were inspiring and contained important messages on practical things we can do to be stewards of creation, as we are called to do in our School Creed.

Students had made their own beautiful posters to encourage their peers to look after our environment and showed us some sobering videos and images of how our amazing planet is being destroyed, yet balanced this with positive messages of hope. Their key message: it is not too late!

Pope Francis says that “nothing in this world is indifferent to us” but sometimes it can feel that this is not always the case. I know that so much is going on in school already. In English Year 8 have been learning about eco-schools around the world and 8G wrote me individual letters with their thoughtful suggestions on how we can become more of an eco-school at St Greg's. Some of our Year 7s are working with Mrs Hillier-Brown on a litter picking project because they feel so passionately about caring for our school environment. Our new Sixth Form Leadership Team are leading the way with plans to plant a wildflower meadow in front of the main building and are building some composting so that we are doing more to recycle food waste, as well as working with our catering team from Sodexo to grow herb gardens which can then be used in the meals the catering team serve. Our horticultural and gardening group have brightened up the grounds with their beautiful displays of flowers that they have learnt to grow from seedlings.

We all need to do our bit to care for creation and there is still too much litter being left around after break and lunch. Please put all litter in the rubbish and recycling bins around school (there are plenty) and consider supporting some of the above projects by getting involved. I would love to see a reduction in single use plastic bottles so please use refillable bottles where possible.

Applications have now opened for our wonderful Year 10 cohort to apply for Prefect positions now that our Year 11 students are coming to the end of their exam period. Our Prefects will be chosen based on their application letter and the interview process where each candidate will meet with Mr Bird and me to explain why they think they are suitable for the role. We will announce Prefects later this month so good luck to anyone in Year 10 who is considering applying for this fantastic position of responsibility and leadership.

Best of luck to our Year 10 Silver Duke of Edinburgh group who left school this morning with heavy rucksacks, full water bottles and smiles on their faces for a weekend of walking, camping and developing their team spirit and interpersonal skills. DofE is such an enriching opportunity which requires real grit and resilience and it is delightful to see so many St Gregory's students sign up to the Award scheme each year.

Finally, a huge congratulations to Alexander, Hanna and Johan for competing in the Bath Secondary Schools Spelling Bee competition hosted by Hayesfield. They did us proud by making it to the semi-final although they were pipped at the post with the winners being from Hayesfield. It takes great courage and nerves of steel to stand up in front of a big audience and have your spelling tested so we are very proud of them for being such a credit to the school. Mr Hayward will write with more details and photos in next week's newsletter so look out for that. Thanks to Mr Hayward and the English department for preparing our spellers so well and for giving them this opportunity to shine.

Enjoy a weekend caring for creation; if you can get out and about in the beautiful countryside of your local area I would encourage you to take time to pause and notice each and every precious gift from God, whether that is the leaves rustling in tress, sunlight dappling the grass or spring flowers in full bloom. Breathe, be still, be grateful for everything around us.


Melissa George
Mrs Melissa George (BA Hons, MA, PGCE) 