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Curriculum Intent

We aim to create the very best Mathematicians at St Gregory’s. We wish students to appreciate maths, not as a series of separate exercises, but instead an interlocking web of knowledge and skills, allowing students to develop their understanding of the links between topics and how they can apply knowledge from one area to another.

Fluency builds confidence and confidence is an especially crucial aspect to foster an enjoyment in maths. The feeling of accomplishment when you solve a puzzle, or find a solution to a problem is something we need to take advantage of to instil within our students a love of learning and mathematics.

Our curriculum at St Gregory’s goes far beyond what is taught in lessons, for whilst we want students to achieve the very best examination results possible, we believe our curriculum goes beyond what is examinable. As a department we offer opportunities for individual competition through the UKMT in all year groups. We provide access to Maths inspiration events for our Highest achieving KS4 students at Exeter school of maths. The most able Year 8 students are invited to attend ‘Maths Masterclasses’ at Bath university, and year 10 students enter a team competition in the ‘Maths Feast’. We organise termly competitions which broaden and deepen our student’s mathematical understanding, linking Maths to other subjects and real world situations. These competitions promote inclusion and diversity and are intended to inspire our students.

As a knowledge engaged curriculum we believe that knowledge underpins and enables the application of skills; both are entwined. As a department we define the powerful knowledge our students need, students are explicitly taught strategies to solve problems and are encouraged by teacher modelling to be able to express themselves in Mathematical language.

Use of regular assessments, and assessment for learning particularly using mini whiteboards is a common feature of Maths lessons. All students have individual Sparx Maths  MyMaths & MathsPad login codes to access homework tasks and structured revision for assessments. 

Real life applications of Mathematical ideas are made explicit to students whenever possible. 

Key Stage 3

During Key Stage 3 students will follow one of 3 of our Schemes of Learning (Alpha, Beta or Delta). These overlap and classes can often extend their learning from one schema into the next at certain points throughout the year if they are progressing above expectations.

At key Stage 3 students focus on learning new knowledge to build up an array of interlocking skills in maths.

Further rationale behind our curriculum design includes trying to make learning stick by having a spiral curriculum. The five main areas of number, algebra, ratio, geometry and data are taught in a cycle. Each time students revisit an area, they are exposed to more complex content, building on what they have already learnt. We ensure the level of challenge is high enough for the most able, with scaffold and support available for students who need it.

Key Stage 3 Curriculum Map

Key Stage 4

Course Code: GCSE Mathematics A (linear) Edexcel 1MA0
Exam Board Specification:


At Key Stage 4 students study a two year scheme of learning and then focus turns to revision for their final exams. New techniques are still taught using direct instruction and Intelligent Practice is still implemented, however greater focus is put on problem solving and contextual problems to allow students to see their new skills being applied to real world problems and eventually their exams.

In year 11 students are given access to revision materials such as past papers and topic revision sheets to help them in their final preparations for the GCSE exams and past paper practice and exam technique lessons play a big part alongside retrieval practice to give them the best possible chance of achieving above their targeted grades. Most student attend after school revision sessions and all are welcome at lunch time drop in sessions.

Key Stage 4 Maths (Foundation) Curriculum Map

Key Stage 4 Maths (Higher Set 1) Curriculum MapKey Stage 4 Maths (Higher Set 2) Curriculum Map

Key Stage 5

A level Maths includes the study of Pure Maths and the application of mathematics to the physical world through Statistics and Mechanics. The course develops strength and confidence in the application of algebraic and other mathematical skills and helps students to solve real life problems using logical mathematical argument. During the course, you will solve a variety of real-life problems such as how large a population will be, what forces should be applied to an object, whether an electrical component is likely to work and whether a medical procedure is effective. Students will also engage in solving complex abstract problems.

We offer Further Mathematics A level or AS for students with a strong passion for Mathematics and students planning to incorporate mathematics in further studies. Further Mathematics develops depth of knowledge of modern mathematics and its influential theories, such as complex numbers, matrices, and differential equations. Students can also widen their knowledge of statistics and Mechanics and even study a module on Decision Maths.

Key Stage 5 A Level Maths Curriculum MapKey Stage 5 AS Maths Curriculum MapKey Stage 5 AS Further Maths Curriculum MapKey Stage 5 Core Maths Curriculum Map