
I have really loved all of the clubs and meeting new people. It’s given me the opportunity to meet so many people from across all of the year groups.


Patrick 400 x 480From Primary to Secondary School at St Gregory’s

We are delighted to share the experiences of Patrick, a Year 7 student who has transitioned seamlessly from primary to secondary school at St Gregory’s.

Patrick’s enthusiasm and involvement in school activities have already made a significant impact, and we are proud to highlight his journey.

What Patrick Enjoys Most at St Gregory’s

Patrick has embraced the wide range of opportunities available at St Gregory’s, particularly enjoying the variety of clubs and the chance to meet new people. His passion for drama led him to participate in the school's most recent production of Beauty and the Beast. "I have really loved all of the clubs and meeting new people. I’m really keen on drama and have been involved in the school production. It’s given me the opportunity to meet so many people from across all of the year groups," Patrick shares.

Proudest Moment at School

One of Patrick’s proudest moments was being selected to give the open evening speech for new students and parents in September, shortly after joining St Gregory’s. "I’d only been at St Greg’s for a few weeks so it was amazing to be asked and to share my experiences. It was such a huge responsibility and I felt very proud," he recalls. This opportunity allowed Patrick to showcase his confidence and speak proudly of his new school.

Ambitions for the Future

Patrick’s ambitions are as vibrant as his personality! He hopes to pursue a career in acting or music, aiming to combine his talents in drama, dance, and singing. "I hope to have a successful career in acting or music. I love music and making music, but also do drama, dance and singing, so I would like to be able to combine all of these things," he says.

Advice for Prospective Students

Patrick’s enthusiasm for St Gregory’s shines through in his advice for those considering joining the school. "I would say ‘just go for it’. There is something here for everyone, no matter what you enjoy or want to be in life. The staff and other students are so kind and caring, they make you feel welcome."

Favourite Memories

Patrick cherishes many memories from his time at St Gregory’s so far. He fondly recalls his first day at the big school, feeling reassured by the presence of his friends. Another highlight was securing the role of Chip in Beauty and the Beast. "My friend told me, as I hadn’t yet heard, and I remember just running around screaming with excitement and shouting ‘get in!’ My friends laughed but it was a great feeling!" Patrick exclaims.

Patrick’s journey at St Gregory’s is a wonderful example of how our supportive environment and diverse opportunities can help students thrive. We are very excited to see all the amazing things Patrick will achieve during his time here and beyond.